Alternate Donation Options
Hope Center Houston
Recurring Donation Needs
Please bring all food, clothing or supplies donations to Hope Center Houston between 9am-12pm, Monday-Friday. Thank you for your generosity!
Canned fruit
Canned mixed vegetables
Ramen Noodles
Spam or packaged tuna
Peanut Butter
Quart-size zip-lock bags containing TRAVEL SIZE toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, mouthwash (alcohol-free only please), comb, body wash (liquid or bar, but not a full-size bar of soap), body lotion, shampoo (conditioner optional), deodorant, lip balm, disposable safety razor, shaving cream (cream, gel, or bar). You may supply the completed bags or the individual items. Either way, thank you!
"Let's Do A Little Breakfast" --> Sign up here
Men’s – jeans and pants. Waist sizes: 30 – 34
Men’s – NEW boxers/underwear sizes: L & XL
Women's – NEW bras and underwear (All sizes)
Thank you, but socks are not needed at this time.
Questions? donations@hopecenterhouston.org
As a Kroger shopper, you may add Hope Center Houston (previously 1960 Community Hope Center) to your Kroger card. Our Kroger Community Rewards Program number is AB652. ​
You may also register at Randalls by asking for information at their service desk regarding the Good Neighbor Program. Our number is 13855.
​When shopping at Amazon, AmazonSmile will donate a percentage of your purchases to Hope Center Houston when selected. Find the HCH Wishlist here.
We cheerfully distribute more than one thousand manna bags each month to our guests. And although we do not have an "official list" of items or brands to include in a manna bag, we generally recommend that each one-gallon zip-lock bag include at least one of the following:
a bottle of water
a protein (such as Vienna sausage, tuna pouch, Slim Jim)
a fruit (such as fruit cup, box of raisins, apple sauce)
a protein bar (such as peanut butter crackers, Kind)
a dessert (such as cookies, pretzels)
a breath mint (such as peppermint or gum)
a surprise!
We also recommend that nothing be included that requires a can opener, but to include a spoon or fork if appropriate. Every item should be individually packaged for safety. A small, individual sanitary hand wipe is always nice to include, but not necessary. Manna bags may be created off campus as a special project, or the items shipped directly to HCH using Amazon. Either way, thank you!